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You Will Need This Intelligence Data To Stay Alert & Survive!
What You Need To Know!
Dr. "B" Has Told Us To Prepare For 'Little or No Food'! He has Told Us To Store Beans, Instant White Rice, And Spaghettis, Because The Inexorable Stress Coming Will Be Offset By Carbohydrates. Otherwise, This Stress Will Cause The Loss of Muscle Tissue And Bone Mass!
However, You Want Your Insulin Levels Maintained At A Normal Level During These Unrelenting Hard Times; Else, You Can Develop Diabetes, Gain Fat Tissue; Or, Lose Weight And Urinate Out So Much Sugar, You Will Be Energyless.
Let's Talk About Insulin!
Insulin Is A Hormone That Lowers Blood Sugar After A Meal; It Also Influences Protein And Fat Metabolism. When People Ingest Too Many PUFAs (PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids), Or Maybe Get Too Much Estrogen From Their Drinking Water, Due To The "Pill" Flowing Into The Sewer Treatment Plants From Toilets, And Other Chemicals Such As Gabapentin and Zyprexa, That Depress A Chemical From Being Synthesized (GLUT4) That Is Responsible For Transporting Glucose To Be Absorbed Into The Cell For Energy. When GLUT4 Is Suppressed, Less Glucose Is Transported And Absorbed.
If The Subject Is Obese or Just Well Overweight, Their Fat Cells Produce A Chemical Which Is Hormonelike, called Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF- a). This Decreases GLUT4, A Glucose Transporter Protein, That Transports Glucose Into The Cell Compartment To Be Burned For Carbon Dioxide, Water, and ATP—The Energy Currency of The Cell. This Process Only Occurs When Insulin Release Is Stimulated From The Pancreas's Beta (ß) Cells By Something Sweet And Now, It Has Been Shown, Something Imitating Sweet, Even Though It Is Not Real Sugar.
And One Starts Having Excess Insulin. Insulin Primed Cells Cannot Take Up Glucose In The Absence Of GLUT4.
In Cell And Molecular Biology, Concepts and Experiments, By Gerald Karp; We Read:
Insulin is a hormone produced by endocrine cells of the pancreas that plays a key role in maintaining proper blood sugar levels. One of the key actions of insulin is the stimulation of the uptake of glucose from the blood into muscle cells, where the glucose is either stored as glycogen or used direcly to fuel the muscular activity, and into fat cells where the glucose is converted to fat. Cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, and fat cells share a common isoform of the facilitative glucose transporter, specifically GLUT4.
When insulin levels are low, these cells contain relatively few glucose transporters on their surface. Instead, the transporters are present within the membranes of the cytoplasmic vesicles. When insulin levels rise, the hormone acts on these target cells to stimulate the translocation of the vesicles from the cytoplasm to the cell surface.
As a result, the transporters become incorporated into the plasma membrane where they can act to remove glucose from the blood.
Elaine N. Marieb, Writes In Her Textbook, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Sixth Edition, pages 631-2, The Following:
Insulin's effects are most obvious when we have just eaten. Its main effect is to lower blood sugar levels, but it also influences protein and fat metabolism. Circulating insulin lowers blood sugar levels by enhancing membrane transport of glucose (and other simple sugar) into body cells, especially muscle and fat cells. (It does not accelerate glucose entry into liver, kidney, and brain tissue, all of which have easy access to blood glucose regardless of insulin levels.)
Insulin inhibits the breakdown of glycogen to glucose and the conversion of amino acids or fats to glucose; thus, it counters any metabolic activity that would increase plasma levels of glucose. Insulin's mechanism of action is still being investigated, but as noted earlier, its receptor is a tyrosine kinase enzyme.
After glucose enters a target cell, insulin binding triggers enzymatic activities that
- Catalyze the oxidation of glucose for ATP Production
- Join glucose molecules together to form glycogen
- Convert Glucose to fat (particularly in adipose tissue)
As a rule, energy needs are met first, followed by glycogen formation. Finally, if excess glucose is still available, it is converted to fat. Insulin also stimulates amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in muscle tissue. In summary, insulin sweeps glucose out of the blood, causing it to be used for energy or converted to other forms (glycogen or fats), and it promotes protein synthesis and fat storage.
Pancreatic beta cells are stimulated to secrete insulin chiefly by elevated blood sugar levels, but rising plasma levels of amino acids and fatty acids, and release of acetylcholine by parasympathetic nerve fibers, also trigger insulin release.
As body cells take up sugar and other nutrients, and plasma levels of these substances drop, insulin secretion is suppressed. Other hormones also influence insulin release. For example, any hyperglycemic hormone (such as glucagon, epinephrine, growth hormone, thyroxine, or glucocorticoids) called into action as blood sugar levels drop indirectly stimulates insulin release by promoting glucose entry into the bloodstream. Somatostatin depresses insulin release. Thus, blood sugar levels represent a balance of humoral and hormonal influences. Insulin and (indirectly) somatostatin are the hypoglycemic factors that counterbalance the many hyperglycemic hormones
Now, What Do We Do About All This, Since We Will Be Eating Mostly Starch During The Coming World-Wide Financial Crisis; Less Food Out There Because Mother Nature Is Turning Against Us; & The Coming WW–III; Then, Bolides From Space?
Dr. "B" Has Advised Me On Certain Supplements To Be On Now. I Will Give You A LIst Of Them And What They Do.
- Green Coffee Bean Extract: This Herb While Inducing Weight Loss, For The World's Masses That Are Over Weight, It Helps Reduce The Fat Mass By Reducing Blood Insulin Levels, Including Blood Sugar Levels Also.
- Soluble And Insoluble Fiber. The latter is found Vegetables, Whole Grains, & Wheat Bran. The Former Is Found in Peas, some Vegetables and Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, Barley, and Oat Bran. However, Dr. "B" Suggests Since Food Is Going To Be Such A Decreasing Item In The Future, Very Soon Now, He Recommends Fiber Capsules, Glucomannan, Psyllium Husks, Apple Pectin, And Total Cleanse. Store Plenty, Folks. This Is Going To Be A Long Hard Seige For Years.
- Get & Store Ceylon Cinnamon, From Your Local Health Food Store! You Can Get It In Capsules or Powder. Take 1–1/2 teaspoons daily To Lower Insulin Levels.
- Before One's Meals, Ingest Two Teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar Which Will Reduce Blood Sugar Levels, Including Insulin Levels Too!
- Add NAC, N-acetyl-cysteine. Great For The Liver And Recent Studies Indicate It May Decrease Insulin Resistance And This Improves Blood Sugar Control.
- Rhodiola rosea. Improves Mitochondrial Energy Production. You May Find Yourself Stronger & Better Able To Cope!
"And the latest research shows that Rhodiola also lowers blood sugar by increasing the number of glucose transporters in the blood. These transporters lower blood sugar by transporting glucose into the cells."—Al Sears, 'Doctors's House Call'.
Master These Books Immediately Above!
Everything Will Come Suddenly Without Warning!
These Are In Our Future:
... To Be Continued ...
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In An UpComing Issue: Something You Need To Know For What's Coming
Kong Sez:
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